Monday, December 31, 2012

Shut Up SHUTIN UP Bunky!

We shall move onto smaller snippets for your view amusement.  This shall remain for venting and/or just to share idiotic things that Bunky does and I need to get off my chest.

So how many of you kids remember Spike and Chester?  Chester was the little pest that wouldn't shut up.  Hyper active and trying so hard that Spike could barely stand it.  Care to take a guess who's who here?

My brother, (Bradford if you're reading this) can attest to this.  I can't stand crunching mouth noises whilst watching a film or TV.  I so rarely take the time to actually sit and enjoy.  To have peace 'n quiet isn't asking for too much or is IT???

It's late last weekend.  Bunky is out so I take full advantage, enjoying peaceful solitude with Christmas lights and a few candles to light the room.  I'm snuggled up on the couch with some tea an enjoying Pan's Labyrinth.  I have to concentrate as I don't understand Spanish and taking in both the film and sub-titles.  DAMN I can hear jingling of keys, fumbling with the door and a thud as Bunky comes crashing in.  Lumber lumber lumber into the kitchen Bunky goes.  A quick hello as Bunky passes, "oh Pan's Labyrinth... great film"  I'm praying to God Bunky has late evening plans so that I can continue to watch in peace. Now there is rustling of bags, crashing of cupboard doors and the microwave now in use (it ain't quiet).  There is also an occasional question asked of me.  I'm politely answering but in side my head I'm screaming Shut UP, dear Jesus please make Bunky shut the hell UP!  Bunky now moves to the living room where I am.  I am now being serenaded with potato chip bag rustling and crunch crunch CRUNCH.....  rustle rustle rustle.  I finally have to look up from the couch and give my annoyed face with a reply of....  really must you do that right here.  Oh sorry!  I think I offended Bunky but off Bunky scampered into the bedroom with the evening nuked food.  Fortunately Bunky was just fueling for an evening out.  I did get to finish watching the film in solitude.

Sunday's are sacred to me.  It can mean an early morning run or sleeping in. When it's cold it's more about coffee and OPB.  Bunky has the day off, but generally sleeps til noon or so, in which case I can watch my early morning shows, get showered and set off for the day.  Not the case yesterday.  Eh, still having the Christmas spirit within me I made extra coffee and both Bunky and I had a pleasant exchange of morning banter and what the plans were for the next few days.  It was nice until.... I'm enjoying Nova it was the show on Cathedrals - way cool documentary.  Now do you think Bunky could just sit, drink coffee, eat his breakfast and let me enjoy - NOPE! yamer yamer yamer (think of John Candy - Trains, Planes and Automobiles) this and that.  I finally had to say...  Bunky, please shut the hell up I'm trying to enjoy the program.  Bunky just laughed and called me mean.  Ohhhh Bunky is that all you have? 

So you see, I have the human form of Chester living with me.   God love Bunky, somebody has to!

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